New Sectional Title Scheme owners often wonder who is responsible for the maintenance and repairs of their units and who is responsible for those of the common areas. Considering the levies paid and the investment into a property, this is a very relevant question with a fairly easy answer.
Maintenance in Sectional Title Schemes is regulated by the Sectional Titles Scheme Management Act 8 of 2011 (“The STSMA”) which provides that the Body Corporate must maintain the common property while unit owners must each maintain their own section. Exclusive use areas are the responsibility of both the owner and the body corporate.
“Before developers build these complexes, a plan will be drawn up which will establish the areas of common property and those of the individual owners,” explains Bernard Cowley, a Fitzanne Estates Real Estate Agent in Gauteng. “This will make it clear to both the Body Corporate and the owners who will be responsible to maintain certain areas.”
Common use areas
Common property can be identified as gardens and walkways, swimming pools, play areas for children, and shared parking facilities. In effect, this would mean that land and parts of the building that are not included in a section, would be clarified as common property and the maintenance thereof is the responsibility of the Body Corporate. The maintenance of these areas is covered by the levies paid by the owners. Levies also cover garden services, waste removal, cleaning, and pool services. “It’s important for prospective buyers to confirm with their Real Estate Agent in Gauteng what is included in the levies,” advises Cowley.
Exclusive use areas
Property owners are responsible for the inside of the unit. This will include pipes, wires, cables, and ducts; anything inside the unit that supplies a utility service to that section.
Exclusive use areas are areas that are still part of the Body Corporate, but an owner has been given exclusive right of use, such as garages and driveway gardens.
Shared maintenance
The foundations, shared walls between the sections as well as the windows and doors in the exterior walls of sections are part of the common property and part of the owner’s section. This would make it both the responsibility of the owner and the Body Corporate to maintain. The expenses will be split equally for the repair and maintenance.
“The STSMA also requires schemes to have a reserve fund also known as the 10-year maintenance plan for unforeseen maintenance and repairs of the common property,” warns Cowley. “Make sure you ask your Real Estate Agent in Gauteng for the financials of the scheme to get an idea of what the reserve fund looks like and whether the scheme has sufficiently made provisions for the 10-year maintenance plan.”
Being a property owner is the best investment a person will ever make, thus it is crucial to properly maintain your asset. Having a trustworthy and reliable Real Estate Agent in Gauteng on your side makes all the difference.
Contact Fitzanne Estates today to find out how you can reach your property goals!
Read more
How to choose the best Property Maintenance Contractor for a Sectional Title Scheme
What landlords and tenants should know about property maintenance
What is an Executive Management Agent & should you allow CSOS to assign one on your behalf?
Media contact: Cathlen Fourie, +27 82 222 9198,
More about Fitzanne Estates
Fitzanne Estates (Pty) Ltd is a Property Management Company that can sufficiently administer your property investment to the benefit of the Landlord, the Body Corporate, and the NPC – Non-Profit Company. Services include Letting, Sectional Title Management, Full Title Management (NPC – Non-Profit Company) and Sales.
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